The Next DBBBL Tournament Is:
July 16, 2016 @ 1:00 PM
Vodka Badminton

Welcome to Vodka Badminton!

Once upon a time...we attempted gardening. It was a worthy undertaking, but our ADHD and alcoholism eventually got the better of us, and we decided that badminton sounded much more fun.

It started with us simply hitting a shuttle back and forth and trying not to spill our drinks as we got drunk and dove around. However, when we decided to share this pastime with some others, they introduced the interesting concept of "RULES". While not originally receptive to this (I believe we may have already been drunk when it was suggested), a couple days later (when we were mostly sober again) we decided it couldn't really hurt to find out how to actually play properly. Just with a drinking twist. Because that makes pretty much everything better.

I'm not sure if I even need to mention that the garden never got finished.