Very Nearly Almost Everything You Need To Know:

Its a doubles tournament, as always, and teams will be drawn mostly randomly. I say mostly, because non-drinkers must have a drinking partner. But that is the only team stacking we'll do, we promise.
Double elimination again, since we got it pretty figured out last time, and it lets everybody play just a little bit more than if we do single elimination.
Information/diagram is under the Tournament tab, and we'll update it again when we have a better idea how many teams we'll have.
Please remember to sign up so we CAN have a better idea of how many teams we're gonna have.

Two new rules to note:

  1. No Smoking on court. As well as having had complaints on people using chain smoking to avoid having to drink while playing and getting too drunk (despite wording of rules saying that a cigarette must be imediately replaced with a DRINK), there have been fire safety concerns with the lawn.
    Smoking will still be allowed at the bbq, just not while you are on the court playing.
  2. During the first game of the 3 game matches, a drinking player's drink MUST be alcoholic. Its called Death by Booze Badminton for a reason, so lets DRINK!
    Of course, this rule can be overruled by a referee if you are TOO drunk as the evening progresses.
You need booze to hold while you play, and booze to shoot (shooter must be minimum 15%, or you do doubles).